Talk Suicide Canada / 988
Connect to a crisis responder to get help without judgement. Phone: 1-833-456-4566 // SMS Text: Text START to 45645 (4pm-12am EST) Website: |
Kids Help Phone Provides online and telephone counselling and volunteer-led, text-based support in English and French to youth and young adults across Canada. Phone: 1-800-784-2433 // SMS Text: Text CONNECT to 686868 Website: |
Mind Beacon Offers digital therapy to help clients manage mental health concerns related to depression, anxiety, insomnia & PTSD. Website: |
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
A database of crisis lines and centres, along with info on support groups and general information on suicide. Website: | Canada's only charity training and empowering young leaders to revolutionize mental health in every province and territory. We do this through three globally recognized programs: talks, chapters and summits. Website: |
Youthspace An online crisis and emotional support chat. We listen without judgement and keep chats confidential and anonymous. Text (6pm-12am PT): (778) 783-0177 Website and IM: |